Interested in Al Murphy Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Al Murphy Artist.
Al Murphy is an illustrator with a worldwide reputation of being one of the most mediocre artists alive today. His work has been exhibited in toilets the world over and inspired many to pursue a career in illustration, confident they can do better. He is currently based in Brooklyn, NY.
Al Murphy was born and then raised and then grew until he was about 9 years old at which point he stopped growing and started drawing. He is still drawing. He never grew again.
Al Murphy is an illustrator with a worldwide reputation for being one of the most mediocre artists alive today. Born in Anglesey, North Wales but raised in York, England – Al Murphy now lives in a mansion made from marshmallows somewhere in Brooklyn, New York City in the good ol’ US of A.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Al Murphy Artist through the links above.