Interested in Alexis Vogul Makeup Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Alexis Vogul Makeup Artist.

Hollywood Makeup Artist - Alexis Vogel
    May 09, 2019 · For Industry Bookings, Press Inquiries or to make an appointment with Alexis for a. Makeover, Wedding or Event, please contact Website. Be in the Know: Subscribe to Alexis' Newsletter.

Alexis Vogel dead: The celebrity makeup artist cause of ...
    Apr 15, 2019 · Celebrity makeup artist Alexis Vogel has reportedly died. The 61- year-old was one of the most sought after artists in Hollywood and had worked …Author: Frank Yemi

About Alexis - Hollywood Makeup Artist, Alexis Vogel
    Alexis is both Pamela's makeup artist and hair stylist for this television show. Visit the STACKED blog here. Also, look for both Alexis and her work on the new MTV series MEET THE BARKERS, airing Wednesdays at 10PM ET/PT, staring Blink 182's Travis Barker and his new wife Shanna Moakler.

Alexis Vogel - IMDb
    Alexis is a native, born to Hollywood,CA. As a child she was obsessed with sitting in front of her drawing board and painting her days away. With a father who was a magnificent oil painter and a Mother that won countless beauty contests, she had no choice but to absorb all of the art and beauty that surrounded her from a very young age.Author: Alexis Vogel

Ravishing Cosmetics - Cruelty Free Makeup & Beauty Products
    Celebrity Makeup Artist Alexis Vogel has brilliantly put everything you will need to create her famous celebrity looks

Alexis Vogel - Biography - IMDb
    Growing up in the industry, at age 13 Alexis started her makeup career and from there she studied makeup at the Joe Blasco Makeup Academy, in Hollywood, the best school in the world for makeup. She also attended UCLA to become an Emergency Medical Technician.

Makeovers - Hollywood Makeup Artist, Alexis Vogel
    May 09, 2019 · Makeovers - Hollywood Makeup Artist, Alexis Vogel. "A new look and a new outlook, now that's a makeover!" - Alexis Vogel. Alexis & Shanna from the MTV reality show "Meet the Barkers" - Wedding Segment. Open publication. "Nothing makes me feel so happy than to give someone. the power and confidence they didn't know they had." - Alexis Vogel.

Resume - Hollywood Makeup Artist, Alexis Vogel
    "Makeup artist and good friend Alexis Vogel works her magic, transforming the girlish actress into a latter-day Bridgitte Bardot-- with untamed hair, dramatically enhanced eyes and lustrous, pouty lips.

Alexis Vogel and Pamela Anderson - YouTube
    Feb 02, 2016 · Bring Back the Bombshell!Let us show you how with the all new Pamela's Bombshell Collection it is pristine and she is Gorgeous! Compassion is Sexy by Pamela ...Author: Alexis Vogel

Alexis vogul makeup - Makeup
    Dec 06, 2018 · The alexis vogul makeup is a cool thing that brings youth back and reduces the age by 5-10 years. Makeup allows you to hide some of the shortcomings, visually adjust the shape or emphasize the winning facial features. What is done in alexis vogul makeup? In alexis vogul makeup uses a variety of techniques.

We hope you have found all the information you need about Alexis Vogul Makeup Artist through the links above.

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