Interested in Alfredo Palmero Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Alfredo Palmero Artist.
Alfredo Palmero Alfredo Palmero is the third generation of a lineage of artists that began with his grandfather, with whom he shared a name and a great love for painting.
Alfredo Palmero is known for his portraits of H.M.King Don Juan Carlos and his son, Prince Felipe. HIs works are collected by various Royal families, Casa de Alba Foundation and the International Committee ex-president Juan Antionio.
Alfredo Palmero is now considered one of the most interesting contemporary Spanish artists in the artistic panorama, with a heritage relating back to traditional European Art, while simultaneously connecting with the aesthetics of the 21st century.
Alfredo Palmero is now considered as one of the most interesting contemporary Spanish artists in the artistic panorama, with a heritage of the traditional European Art, connecting at the same time with the aesthetic of the XXI century.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Alfredo Palmero Artist through the links above.