Interested in Amy Sullivan Artist Charlotte Nc? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Amy Sullivan Artist Charlotte Nc.
About Amy Sullivan. In the studio. Approachable - That’s how fine artist Amy Sullivan wants people to feel about both her and her paintings. “You don’t have to know about art – you just have to enjoy it!” she says. With a degree in interior design from the University of Tennessee, Amy understands how art can pull together a room’s look. As such, while her work is represented by some of the finest galleries in …
Amy Sullivan is a fine artist who also works directly with interior designers and individuals to create paintings in exactly the size, look, and feel their spaces require. Home About
2823 Selwyn Avenue Charlotte, NC 28209 704.334.7744. Gallery Hours: Monday - Sunday, 10-5
Amy Sullivan Fine Art, Charlotte, NC. 477 likes · 9 talking about this. Fine Art available: Shain Gallery, Charlotte Huff Harrington Fine Art, Atlanta Studio E, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Blowing...Followers: 473
Amy Sullivan Fine Art, Charlotte, NC. 477 likes · 9 talking about this. Fine Art available: Shain Gallery, Charlotte Huff Harrington Fine Art, Atlanta Studio E, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Blowing...
May 20, 2020 · Charlotte, NC Amy Sullivan Fine Art Fine Art available: Shain Gallery, Charlotte Huff Harrington Fine Art, Atlanta Studio E, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Blowing Rock Frameworks and Gallery, Blowing Rock.Location: Charlotte, 28209, NC
Amy Sullivan Resume. Education: 1982, University of Tennessee, BS Interior Design. ... Winston Salem NC, Small Art, Big Heart, January 2013 Red Sky Gallery, Charlotte, Braitman Group Show, January 2013 ... Charlotte North Carolina State University, The Alliance Building, Raleigh NC
Approachable - That’s how fine artist Amy Sullivan wants people to feel about both her and her paintings. “You don’t have to know about art – you just have to enjoy it!” she says. With a degree in interior design from the University of Tennessee, Amy understands how art can pull together a room’s look. As such, while her work is represented by some of the finest galleries in the United States, Amy …
Amy Sullivan Weishaar has always been a student of the Arts. She is often found with a brush, crayon or pencil in her hand. Amy studied many different types of art mediums (watercolors, acrylics, oils and Auto Cad) at Abington Art Center in Abington Pa., The Mint Museum Charlotte NC, CPCC, and at The Town of Cornelius Art Center.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Amy Sullivan Artist Charlotte Nc through the links above.