Interested in Ann Vasilik Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Ann Vasilik Artist.
The Artist Ann Vasilik, a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania has lived in Asheville, North Carolina She received a bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Philadelphia College of Art. has worked as a painter and teacher in Virginia, California, Hawaii, North Carolina
Ann Vasilik 50 Spring Cove Road Asheville, NC 28804 (828) 251-2997 AnnArt@Vasilik.Com. Mail orders up to 3 prints add $6.50 for packaging and shipping. Shipping costs for larger orders will be individually determined. Check or Money Order only accepted (credit cards not accepted). North Carolina Residents add 7% sales tax.
The Italian Market, Philadelphia . Missy . The Thomas Wolfe House, Old Kentucky Home, Asheville, NC
May 12, 2014 · Annart Ann Vasilik Art This past week while at the beach I finished a painting which I submitted to the National Watercolor Society Annual show today. I'm playing with the big boys! The painting turned out pretty good but I'm afraid it is not in competition with the international crowd to which this show is open.Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Welcome to the Vasilik Web Site. Vasilik.Com Mail. Ann Vasilik Art Site: Eric and Sylvia's Home Page. Directions to Eric and Sylvia's house Eric Vasilik's Home Page. Vasilik Family Home Pages. This site is maintained by Eric Vasilik ...
Ann Vasilik is known for Regional landscape.
Ann Vasilik (20th century) was active/lived in North Carolina. Ann Vasilik is known for Regional landscape. Artist auction records. askART's database currently holds 3 auction lots for Ann Vasilik (of which 3 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)
We hope you have found all the information you need about Ann Vasilik Artist through the links above.