Interested in Anthea Stephenson Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Anthea Stephenson Artist.
Anthea Stephenson. PRINTMAKER PROFILE. ARTIST STATEMENT. I have an academic background in the history of the fine and applied arts and have drawn and painted for as long as I can remember including life drawing for many years and a wide range of other subjects. For the last few years I have continued with regular life drawing sessions and have ...
Anthea Stephenson Phil Smith Artist May 1, 2020 May 22, 2020. Email: Tel: 0114 2295404. Please click here for examples of my work. Profile. ... work shown at the Harley Gallery, the Ferens Art Gallery in Hull, Derby Open Print Show, Derbyshire Open (Buxton), the Art House (Sheffield) and the Great Sheffield Art Show. ...
Having had a lifelong interest in the practice of art in various forms and having participated in courses in painting and life drawing I have become involved in more recent years in the practice of printmaking, which has led to membership of Sheffield Printmakers. This experience has sat alongside study and involvement in the…
Exhibition. Derby Print Open. 01 Jun 2018 – 29 Jun 2018. Banks Mill Studios. Derby, United Kingdom
The Derby Print Open is an exhibition open to all showcasing contemporary printmaking from artists based in the United Kingdom. ... Anthea Bond Anthea Stephenson Avalon Elizabeth Oakes B. Le Pre by Barry Lockwood. Barbara Smith ...
May 10, 2020 · I’m a visual artist who enjoys playing with ideas and techniques, currently working through photography and printmaking. Please click here for examples of my work.
Jun 06, 2016 · On the weekend of 14th-15th May, members of Sheffield Printmakers Anthea Stephenson, Jan Beautyman and Katherine Rhodes took part in an Art and Craft Fair at Lady Manners School, Bakewell. The event was organised by the school PTA, ably led by Rachel Collier Wilson. There was a steady flow of visitors and we made some…
Anthea Stephenson, Construction, Collagraph print, £300. 54. Stuart West, Money Doesn't Talk, it Swears, Lino print, £200. ... Over 250 artists from across the UK have work exhibited in the Ferens 2020 Open exhibition, with artist’s submitting work from Scunthorpe to Glasgow, and London to Lincoln. ...
We hope you have found all the information you need about Anthea Stephenson Artist through the links above.