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Find Theodis Ealey similar, influenced by and follower information on AllMusic. Find Theodis Ealey similar, influenced by and follower information on AllMusic ... + Follow Artist. Blues guitarist and singer who backed up some of the greats before he broke through with the sexy R&B hit "Stand Up in It."
Willie Clayton - 93% match to Theodis Ealey 29 March 1955, Indianola, Mississippi, USA. Raised in Chicago, Clayton has a full-throated, flavourful voice, characteristic of many artists from that city during the soul era, and one that has won the hearts of both soul and blues fans.
Find Theodis Ealey bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic - Blues guitarist and singer who backed up some of…
Still holding strong to his Mississippi roots, Theodis played guitar with such notable artists as Little Milton, Johnny Clyde Copeland, Richard “Dimples” Fields, the Blues Brothers …
Blues singer, guitarist, and bandleader Theodis Ealey has earned his nickname as "the Bluesman Lover." Ealey first made his name working with some of the best names in the blues, but he's also won an avid following for his ribald R&B tunes about love and lovemaking. Ealey was born in Natchez, Mississippi in 1947. One of 11 children, Ealey learned to play guitar when he was four years old ...
180 rows · Read about Slow Grindin' from Theodis Ealey's You And I, Together and see the artwork, …
Theodis "the artist" was born. Ichiban Records, a respected blues label in Atlanta, recognized Theodis' multiple talents and immediately signed him to a deal in 1991. Over the next six years, Theodis and Ichiban Records would enjoy 4 very successful albums. It was Theodis Ealey's charm and magnetism that attracted audiences worldwide.
This Mississippi native first picked up an instrument when his older brother Y Z Ealey first taught him how to play at the age of 4. Ten years later, Theodis on bass was playing at his first gig with brothers Y Z and Melvin Ealey in a group called Y Z Ealey and the Merrymakers.
Explore releases from Theodis Ealey at Discogs. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Theodis Ealey at the Discogs Marketplace.
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