Interested in Artistic Song Dynasty? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Artistic Song Dynasty.
During the Song Dynasty, avid art collectors often met in groups to discuss their own paintings and rate those of colleagues and friends. The poet and statesman Su Shi (1037–1101) and his accomplice Mi Fu (1051–1107) often partook in these affairs, borrowing art pieces to study, copy, or exchange.
Song dynasty, (960–1279), Chinese dynasty that ruled the country during one of its most brilliant cultural epochs. It is commonly divided into Bei (Northern) and Nan (Southern) Song periods, as the dynasty ruled only in South China after 1127. The Bei Song was founded by Zhao Kuangyin, the military
The Song Dynasty is divided into two quite distinct periods: the Northern Song (Bei Song) (960-1127), based in Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng), which controlled most of inner China; and the Southern Song (Nan Song) (1127-1279), based at Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou).
The early Northern Song dynasty witnessed the flowering of one of the supreme artistic expressions of Chinese civilization: monumental landscape painting. Retreating to the mountains to escape the turmoil and destruction that occurred at the end of the Tang dynasty (618–907), tenth-century recluse-painters discovered in nature the moral order that they had found lacking in the human world.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Artistic Song Dynasty through the links above.