Interested in Artistico Bontempi? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Artistico Bontempi.
Tel. Fax: +39.071.7300036 , E-mail: Bontempi Casa . x. Cookies disclaimer. This website or the third-party tools involved use cookies. These are needed to enable the website operation and are required for the purposes described in the cookie policy. ... Artistico. Tables / Artistico…
Tavolo fisso e allungabile con struttura in Acciaio laccato. Piano in Legno massello, Legno massello secolare, Legno massellato, Legno impiallacciato, Legno laccato, Cristallo, Cristallo Antigraffio, SuperCeramica, SuperMarmo e Marmo naturale.
ARTISTICO from BONTEMPI designed by Dondoli and Pocci. For all your wooden dining table and dining room needs. The latest European modern furniture designs with FREE DELIVERY, HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRICING and 30 DAY RETURNS.
x. Cookies disclaimer. This website or the third-party tools involved use cookies. These are needed to enable the website operation and are required for the purposes described in the cookie policy.
Artistico table by Bontempi Casa has a linear and simple design, ideal for any kind of furnishing. Artistico is made with frame in lacquered steel in different colours and rectangular top in veneered wood, solid wood with irregular edge, debarked solid wood, centuries-old debarked solid wood, marble, transparent, lacquered or velvet anti-scratch crystal-glass or SuperMarble in different finishes.5/5(2)
After gaining expertise and proficiency in artisanal workings, Alessandro and Giancarlo Bontempi begin their entrepreneurial activity in the second half of the 1900s. In 1980 the Bontempi Casa brand is born, and new collections of furnishing elements come along with it.Brand: Bontempi
Bontempi produce mobili made in Italy di design: Tavoli, Sedie, Consolle e Scrittoi moderni e raffinati, Mobili da Soggiorno, Complementi di Arredo e Letti d'Autore. Scopri i prodotti Bontempi sul sito ufficiale.
Artistico. Descriptif produit. Table fixe et avec allonges, structure en Métal laqué. Plateau en Bois massif, Bois plaqué avec bords en Bois massif, Bois centenaire massif avec bords naturels, Bois plaqué, Verre, Verre anti-rayure, SuperCéramique, SuperMarbre et Marbre naturel. ... BONTEMPI МИР ...
Tavolo allungabile con struttura in Acciaio laccato, piano e prolunghe in Legno impiallacciato, SuperCeramica e SuperMarmo.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Artistico Bontempi through the links above.