Interested in Bill Pechet Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Bill Pechet Artist.
#306 – 228 E4th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V5T 1G5 604-732-0697 [email protected]
Bill Pechet is the director of an interdisciplinary studio in Vancouver, with a background in geography, fine art and architecture. Since 1991, his studio has produced a portfolio of projects that include cemeteries, memorials, public art, commercial interiors, exhibitions, private residences, set …
Oct 07, 2012 · Artist Bill Pechet has collaborated with lighting co-designer Chris Pekar of Lightworks and Lumenpulse to create the 35-foot-tall, 31-foot-wide “Emptyful” sculpture in the Millennium Library Plaza in Winnipeg, Canada... “Lighting for ‘Emptyful’ had to …
Bill Pechet, Art Department: Live TV. Travel back in time to check out the early roles of some of Hollywood's heavy hitters.Occupation: Art Department
emptyful, by Vancouver artist Bill Pechet, is based on the shape of a container, over 10 meters high, and made of stainless steel, lights, water and fog. It was created as part of the Winnipeg Cultural Capital of Canada project and the Winnipeg Arts Council’s Public Art Program. emptyful is inspired by the idea that Winnipeg, (and the prairies which surround it) is full of emptiness...a boundless space where …
Oct 09, 2012 · Vancouver-based artist Bill Pechet of Pechet Studio has teamed up with lighting co-designer Chris Pekar of Lightworks and Montreal-based LED lighting manufacturer Lumenpulse to create one remarkable public art installation called Emptyful. The towering structure, which mimics a mammoth sized laboratory flask, stands 35-feet tall and 31-feet wide, weighing in at approximately 48,500 lbs. …
Description. The Winnipeg Arts Council has envisioned artwork for Broadway for many years while the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ has also worked for years toward creatively lighting the avenue. These two visions have come together in heaven between, the first permanent light-based sculpture for Broadway. Artist Bill Pechet notes that the dome shape of the new piece was inspired by the rooftops of …
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