Interested in Brendan Mcgorry Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Brendan Mcgorry Artist.
Brendan Mcgorry is an established mid-career contemporary artist. Brendan Mcgorry was born in 1966. Artists like Joep Van Liefland, Sinan Demirtas, Éliane Franck, Rea David, and Christian Adams were also born in 1966. Further Biographical Context for Brendan Mcgorry. Brendan Mcgorry was born in 1966 and was largely inspired by the 1980s ...
Jun 08, 2018 · Brendan McGorry Bio. Posted on June 8, 2018. Bio. Born 1966 Auckland. Lives Waikato. Gallery Representative Sanderson Contemporary Art, Auckland. Collections Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Wellington. James Wallace Arts Trust Auckland. Auckland City Council, Auckland.
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Brendan McGorry
A Little Alone Time , 2020, acrylic and charcoal on canvas , 1200mm x 1600mm. “The past,” thought he, “is linked to the present by an unbroken chain of happenings, each flowing from the other.”. Brendan McGorry’s work shares much in common with the short stories of Anton Chekov (1860-1904). One of the Russian author’s best-loved novellas, The Student, tells the story of a young theologian visiting a …
Learn more about Brendan McGorry (New Zealander, 1966). Read the artist bio and gain a deeper understanding with MutualArt's artist profile.
Brendan McGorry’s practice stands firmly on a history of art cited and referenced in each of his intricately conceived paintings. In this new body of workNoir, McGorry offers the viewer an almost cinematic experience. Each of the works have interwoven elements, connected subject matter and a strongly defined palette.
Sep 18, 2015 · "Frances Joel and Symonds St Cemetery" 2015 acrylic and charcoal on canvas 1500x1200mm. From the up coming show "Great Expectations" opening Sep 29 Sanderson Contemporary Art Essay from new book published by Sanderson Contemporary Art Brendan McGorry by Steph Chalmers As a thoughtful observer of the world around him, Brendan McGorry is fascinated …
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