Interested in Bresdin Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Bresdin Artist.
Bresdin influenced contemporary artists like Jacques Moreau, George Rubel, Jean-Pierre Velly, and Philippe Mohlitz. Bresdin's life story and his art are both extraordinary and fascinating. He was one of the finest and most original exponents of the art of print-making in the nineteenth century and his name ranks alongside those of Whistler ...
Rodolphe Bresdin; Clearing in the Forest, 1880 Rodolphe Bresdin; Death and the Young Mother, from Revue Fantaisiste, 1861 Rodolphe Bresdin; Moldavian Interior, 1859 Rodolphe Bresdin; Battle in the Mountains, 1857 Rodolphe Bresdin; The Comedy of Death (La comédie de la mort), 1854 Rodolphe Bresdin; Woman in Fantastic Medieval Costume, n.d ...
View Rodolphe Bresdin’s 722 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. See available prints and multiples, works on paper, and paintings for sale and learn about the artist.Nationality: French
Mildred Prentiss Exhibition of Etchings, Lithographs and Drawings by Rodolphe Bresdin (Chien - Caillou) 1822-1885. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, 1931, cat. no. 181, p. 45. API Access.
The young artist Odilon Redon (1840-1916) studied under Bresdin during 1865-66, leading to Redon’s life-long admiration for Bresdin’s art. Count Hippolyte de Thierry de Faletans (1830-?) commissioned Bresdin to illustrate his book, “Fables et Contes” (Fables and Tales).
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, 1931, cat. no. 120, pp. 10, 36. API Access The Met Collection API is where all makers, creators, researchers, and dreamers can now connect to the most up-to-date data and images for more than 470,000 artworks in The Met collection.
Rodolphe Bresdin. 1822–1898 • 32 followers. Following. Follow. Rodolphe Bresdin. Bio 1822–1898. Followers 32. Following. Follow. Overview. Works for sale (1) Auction results. Notable Works. ... Sell art from your collection. Consign with Artsy. Get started. Career Highlights. Learn more about artist insights.Gender: Male
Rodolphe Bresdin French, 1825-1885 Considered the masterwork of Bresdin’ s career and one of the outstanding lithographs of the nineteenth century, The Good Samaritan relates the parable of the heathen who aided an injured traveller, whom a priest and a Levite had passed by with averted eyes.
Artist information. Rodolphe Bresdin. Works in the collection. 3 URL / Share. Rodolphe Bresdin The comedy of death Shown in 2 exhibitions Exhibition history Forest and field: from Claude to the Barbizon School, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 14 Jul 1995–17 Sep 1995. Printmaking in the age of ...
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