Interested in Brian J Jones Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Brian J Jones Artist.
Brian J.Jones is a highly accomplished and award winning Marine Artist. Specialising in both modern and historical yachting scenes. His work regulary sold through Christie's, south Kensignton and now sells through Bonhams Maritime sales, London. He also …
About - Brian J. Jones Marine Artist. Born on the Kent coast in 1945, ships and sea have always been a great influence in my life. On completion of formal education I was keen to go to art school, however in the late 1950's boys were encouraged to "go out and get a proper job". This I did.
Brian J. Jones (British, born 1965)Nationality: British
This is the official website of the Marine Artist Brian J Jones.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Brian J Jones Artist through the links above.