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grOw/stOry #15, desktop#3 by BustArtist on DeviantArt
    Mar 20, 2014 · Download for full size of 2560 x 1440. For your computer's desktop/background. From grOw/stOry#15, "Succubus". Available at

BustArtist's Blog: grOw/stOry#15, illustrations 84% complete!
    Nov 13, 2013 · grOw/stOry#15, illustrations 84% complete! I've been plugging away on grOw/stOry#15, "Succubus", diligently for the past few weeks. So much so, I forgot to give my minimal once-a-week update that I try to do when working hard on a project. I just finished illustration #18 (a 2-page spread!)and I am in the middle of #19.Author: Bustartist

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