Interested in Callum Perry Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Callum Perry Artist.
Artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Callum Perry. Home; Painting; Sculpture; Video; Writing
Artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Callum Perry. Home; Painting; Sculpture; Video; Writing
Bas-relief. The bas-relief The Breeze , hollow cast in cement fondu so it light enough to hang on the wall, presents an image of eroticism. A nude in the manner of Ingres crouches in a room shuttered like the confines of a camera obscura whose perspective tilts up toward the v
Callum Perry’s art practice is based in painting, sculpture, video and writing. Contact: [email protected]. Works & Exhibitions: 2018. The Siege, short film (21mins), premiered ACMI, Melbourne, October 2018 (click to visit film’s website). 2017
Actors: Loriana Bethune, Michael Dunbar, Alex Pittendrigh, Callum Perry, Elana Ramadan. Camera: Simon Imberger, Sound: Rohan Bayley ( Iron Bull by Robin Fox & Michael Munson) Chrysanthemums, Chestnuts, Cork (2009) A brief study of Ikebana.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Callum Perry Artist through the links above.