Interested in Calp Cristalleria Artistica Piana Spa? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Calp Cristalleria Artistica Piana Spa.
Calp Cristalleria Artistica La Piana S.p.A. manufactures lead crystal giftware and tableware such as drinking glasses, vases, bottles, wine goblets, etc. The Company markets its products under the...Employees: 784
CALP, Cristalleria Artistica La Piana, was founded in 1967 as a result of the merger of two companies from largely artistic backgrounds: CALB and La Piana S.p.A., the latter being the first company in Italy to produce genuine lead crystal, well before the introduction of the EU regulations. Today CALP still manufactures exclusively crystal containing 24% PbO and with a refractive index over 1.545, a value …
CALP Cristalleria Artistica La Piana . Divisione SPECIAL SALES. Benvenuti nel sito ufficiale Special Sales di CALP. Per contatti:
Italian crystal products maker Cristalleria Artistica La Piana SpA (CALP) posted a net profit of EUR 670,000 (USD 861,352) for 2004, it was reported on 2 May 2005. The company closed 2003 with a net l…Italian crystal products maker Cristalleria Artistica La Piana SpA (CALP) posted a net profit of EUR 670,000 (USD 861,352) for […]9/10(857)
CALP stands for Cristalleria Artistica La Piana (also Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency and 53 more)
Contatta ☎ C.a.l.p. Cristalleria Artistica La Piana SPA Colle di Val D'elsa, V. PROVINCIALE SENESE. 1 con indicazioni stradali, dati di contatto. Scrivi ☆ recensioni
Impresa C.a.l.p. Cristalleria Artistica La Piana Spa a Colle Di Val D'elsa su Imprese.Link, la rete delle Imprese in Italia. Dettaglio Impresa. C.A.L.P. CRISTALLERIA ARTISTICA LA PIANA SPA. CRISTALLERIE. 0577910111. VIA PROVINCIALE SENESE, 1. 53034 COLLE DI …
Società quotate. « Indietro. Informazioni storiche della società CALP SPA - CRISTALLERIA ARTISTICA LA PIANA. 31 risultati trovati - visualizzati: 1-31. Data. Documento. 21/01/2003. CALP - CRISTALLERIA ARTISTICA LA PIANA SPA - Estratto del patto parasociale …
RCR Cristalleria Italiana S.p.A. Località Catarelli 53034 Colle di val d’elsa (SI) Italia Tel +39 0577 910111 Made by Adacto ...
RCR Cristalleria Italiana is a manufacturer of quality glass, offering table accessories of excellence in all sectors and applying an array of production techniques. RCR is an all-round green company that has a well-defined development plan and as a sustainable enterprise it produces only eco …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Calp Cristalleria Artistica Piana Spa through the links above.