Interested in Charles E.Turner Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Charles E.Turner Artist.
Description: *Charles E. Turner (1883-1965) A SIDDELEY VIPER IN FLIGHT Signed l.l, charcoal and grey washes heightened with white 44cm x 71cm; with the Associated newspaper article from the Illustrated London News, dated May 21 1955 (2) *Artist's Resale Right may apply to this lot.
Charles E. Turner was an artist who exhibited at the Royal Academy in London, and specialised in landscape and marine views. Having served in the Royal Air Force in the First World War, reaching...
Standing Figure in a Chinese Gown, 1890–94 Theodore Roussel; Portrait Head, c. 1894 Theodore Roussel; A Gaiety Girl, n.d. Dudley Hardy; London and the Sunny South, n.d.
Charles Eddowes TURNER, British (1883-1965) 46 x 30.5in (117. Charles Eddowes Turner (1883-1965) Watercolour. CHARLES EDDOWES TURNER, SPRINGTIME IS KODAK TIME, LITHOGRAPH, 72 X 46 CM. CHARLES EDDOWES TURNER, SPRINGTIME IS KODAK TIME, LITHOGRAPH, 72 …
Turner, Charles E., 1883–1965 Art UK.
Charles Eddowes Turner (British, 1883–1965)Nationality: British
Charles E. Turner (b.1893; d.1965) Charles E Turner was born in Lancaster, but based in Liverpool, an artist who specialised in landscape and marine views. Proficient in watercolours and oils, Turner exhibited at the RA in London as well as Manchester and Liverpool. Turner fought in both the First and Second World Wars, as a captain in the Fleet Air Arm, combining active service with service as a war artist, …
Charles E. Turner (1883 - 1965) CharlesEddowes Turner was born in Lancaster on the 14 September 1883 anddescribed by E.H.H. Archibald in his Dictionaryof Sea Painters(1982)as "a reticent man, it is difficult tofind out much about him". Hewas based in Liverpool …
Charles E. Turner (1883-1965) A Lockhead Hudson coming under attack over the harbour signed 'C. E. TURNER' (lower right) oil on canvas 20 x 30 in. (50.8 x 76.2 cm.) Special Notice Artist's Resale Right ("Droit de Suite").
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