Interested in Christiana Caro Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Christiana Caro Artist.
Christiana Caro is an artist currently based in Seattle, WA. Shooting Lavagance, Devin Castle, SK Born in Washington, DC, Caro earned her BFA in photography from MassArt in Boston and her MFA from the University of Arizona, Tucson. She has participated in a number of artist-in-residence programs, lectures, and exhibitions in the US and abroad.
Visiting Instructor, Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, VA 2011-12 Visiting Fulbright Artist, Academy of Fine Art and Design (Vysoká Výtvarných), Bratislava, SK Artist-In-Residence Visiting Lecturer, Florence University of the Arts, Florence, Italy 2009-11 Instructor of Record (analog, digital), University of Arizona ...
I'm a photographer rooted in the fine art world with experience in education and technology. My freelance projects have included research, design and image capture. I have taught photography at...Title: Artist, Photographer, Educator
Artists and Machine Intelligence (AMI) AMI is a program at Google that brings together artists and engineers to realize collaborative projects that engage intelligent systems. Works are developed together alongside artists’ current practices and shown at galleries, biennials, festivals, or online.
F_AIR announces its first Artist in Residence, Christiana Caro, a recent graduate of University of Arizona with an M.F.A. She arrived in Florence on 16 May 2011 and in residence until 6 August 2011. Caro spent time exchanging ideas with students, with fellow artists in town, in Tuscany and in Italy, and with professionals within the art world.
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While employing textual language to convey the experience of geocaching, she creates a photographic anti-archive through negation of the preserved object. Topics: mapping, psychogeography/derive, artists using geospatial technology, performance, landscape, …
Christiana Caro – Washington DC, 1980 artist. contribution (salt and pepper), 2011 photograph, digital c-print, 10×10. received 22.10.2011. notes A man swings low past fire, over roof tops. From one place to the next he spans barriers through the leap; before and after, this roof to that, sky to floor. Underneath the act, a fact: it’s an act.
13406 E. Philadelphia Street, Whittier, CA 90608. What We Don’t See on Circulation Exchange (including printable PDF of booklet) In "What We Don’t See," Seattle-based artist Christiana Caro addresses themes of vision, observation, and the collaborative potential of …
Caro Arevalo is a Peruvian Visionary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Drawing our inner and outer worlds with sacred geometry and infinite repetition. She paints …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Christiana Caro Artist through the links above.