Interested in Costanza Knight Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Costanza Knight Artist.
Costanza (Connie) Knight paints contemporary figures and landscapes in watercolor and acrylics. Children and teens take after school art classes and summer art classes.
The watermedia and mixed media paintings, drawings, and monotype prints of Costanza Knight, also known as Connie Knight, are contemporary expressions that explore and celebrate the human form and the landscape. Poetry and narratives are often her creative touchstone, but she also takes inspiration from the landscapes that she lives in and loves.Location: Hendersonville, NC United States
Henri Matisse said it best when he said, "What interests me the most is neither still life nor landscape but the human figure. It is through it that I best succeed at expressing the nearly religious feeling I have towards life.” These sketches of the human form evoke Matisse's deep regard for t
Costanza Knight, Artist. Hendersonville, NC. United States (828) 243-0084. Enjoy these videos. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Costanza Knight. Meet Costanza Knight. Costanza Knight Demonstrate Watercolor with a Vivid Background. Costanza Knight Demonstrates Monotype Printing.Location: Hendersonville, NC United States
Costanza Knight, a Hendersonville, North Carolina-based multi-media artist, accepts commissions for portraits, landscapes, and beyond.Location: Hendersonville, NC United States
Costanza Knight's "Juicy Art Classes" are run as an open studio, with an emphasis on releasing each student’s individual talents. These after school art lessons are open to kids, starting at ...Title: Artist & Art Instructor at …
Costanza Knight Studio, Hendersonville, NC. 225 likes. Costanza Knight's watermedia and mixed media paintings are contemporary expressions that celebrate the human form and the landscape.Followers: 212
Knight’s classes are held at The Starving Artist Art Supply Store at 814 Kanuga Road in Hendersonville, North Carolina. For more information, please call Costanza Knight, also known as Connie Knight, at (828)-243-0084. Or just stop by on Monday or Tuesday afternoon and watch the fun!!!!!Location: Hendersonville, NC United States
We hope you have found all the information you need about Costanza Knight Artist through the links above.