Interested in D Oyly John Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about D Oyly John Artist.
D'oyly John (1906-1993) This website is an ongoing biography of the artist D'oyly John and the authors would appreciate any contributions to [email protected]. D'oyly John was brought up in Durban, South Africa. His full name was Cecil Rochfort D'oyly John, although he signed his paintings as Doyly-John. Little is known of his early life and the mystery of his parentage is deepened by the artist …
Artist C.R. D'oyly John began painting in 1945 after being wounded by a bomb as a serviceman during WW II. C.R. D'oyly John's paintings include landscape scenes of France and Italy, typically created with a palette knife technique that mirrored that of Vincent van Gogh.
Description: Cecil Rochfort D''Oyly John (1906-1993) studio remnants Photo albums with press cuttings, images of the artist and his family, a portrait of the artist by Stephen Ward, (illustrated Kelleway & Mayhew - D''Oyly-John - Living in the Sun, p.20) a pastel sketch of the artist''s wife Joan and a travelling easel. ... Location: Lewes, SXE, UK
We hope you have found all the information you need about D Oyly John Artist through the links above.