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Pure Effec: Direct Mindreading and Magical Artistry Hardcover – January 1, 2002. 3.9 out of 5 stars 11 ratings. See all formats and editions. Hide other formats and editions. Price. New from. Used from. Hardcover. "Please retry".3.9/5(11)
Pure effect: Direct mind reading and magical artistry [Brown, Derren] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pure effect: Direct mind reading and magical artistry4.1/5(13)
Jan 01, 2000 · Start your review of Pure Effect: Direct Mindreading and Magical Artistry. Write a review. Dec 01, 2014 Ali rated it it was ok. Shelves: subject-magic-and-mentalism. It's astonishing to me that people are willing to pay extortionate amounts of money to access a copy of this book because it's out of print and he's popular. I consider myself a ...4.3/5
Magic book reviews Pure Effect: Direct Mind-Reading and Magical Artistry Recently, in my review of Barrie Richardson's Theater of the Mind (November 1999 Genii), I commented on a "new age of mentalism" and the trend of prominent sleight-of-hand workers taking up mentalism.
Pure Effect - Direct Mind Reading and Magical Artistry (2000) I deeply, and widely, believe that performance is a very personal affair, and that one must pursue one’s own sense of integrity and remain a little detached from advice and precedent offered by tradition.
Pure Effect: Direct Mind Reading and Magical Artistry Description: Author: Derren Brown Publisher:H & R Magic Books ASIN: B000WWTRKU Pages:164 The book is organized in three sections: Part One: Practical, Part Two: Magical Artistry and Part Three: Direct Mindreading. The first part consists of three intelligent and provocative essays on ...
Pure effect: Direct mind reading and magical artistry Derren Brown download Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books
Brown, Derren: Pure Effect: Direct Mindreading and Magical Artistry ©2000, H & R Magic Books Hardcover, w/dj, 164 pages: Image courtesy e-Bay seller Creature_Blacklagoon: Comment (Shogo): Derren Brown's book focuses more on mentalism effects such as divining a selected card but the real value of the book comes from his insights into the ...
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