Interested in Dmitry Lisichenko Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Dmitry Lisichenko Artist.
View Dmitry Lisichenko biographical information, artworks upcoming at auction, and sale prices from our price archives. ... × Close . Upcoming Auctions. Auction Houses. Artists. Fine Art. View All Fine Art; Drawings (1546) Fine Art - General (97) Mixed Media Art (1480) Paintings (11102) Photography (1949) Posters (1960) Prints (13020 ...
Dmitry Lisichenko was born into a musical family in Moscow in 1976. He attended the Moscow Art Lyceum, and later the Moscow State Academic Art Institute (known as the Surikov Art Institute), where he came under the influence of the distinguished professors Eugeny Maximov and Ivan Lubennikov. He worked initially as a restorer, repainting the famous murals of Moscow Cathedral, and undertaking …
Dmitriy Lisichenko was born into a musical family in Moscow in 1976. He trained at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute, attended the Moscow Art Lyceum, and later the Surikov Art Institute, where he came under the influence of distinguished professors, Eugeny Maximov and …
Dmitriy Lisichenko is noted for his atmospheric compositions with their meditative and often enigmatic women, working very much in the Romantic Realist tradition popularised by such people as writer/philosopher Ayn Rand. Lisichenko’s paintings follow in the tradition of the Russian Romantic Realists, and he describes his style as Neo - Realism.
Dmitriy Lisichenko - page1 - page2 - page3 - page4 - page5 - page6 - page7 - about author: Bluebirds. Measurements: 80 by 85 cm. Materials & Techniques: canvas, oil Inscriptions/Marks: signed; signed and titled on reverse Framed. Private collection: Evening and the lights. Measurements: 62 by 72 cm. Materials & Techniques: canvas, oil Inscriptions/Marks: signed; signed and titled on reverse
Stay up to date with Dmitry Lisichenko (Russian, 1976) . Discover works for sale, auction results, market data, news and exhibitions on MutualArt. Dmitry Lisichenko Artist Profile with Bio
Lisichenko is a popular artist, whose work is exhibited internationally and held in collections in the UK, Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan, America, Ireland, Hong Kong and South Africa. The quality and the technical mastery of Lisichenko’s paintings means that his work is much admired. Sold Works.
Apr 27, 2019 - Dmitry Lisichenko was born into a musical family in Moscow in 1976. He attended the Moscow Art Lyceum, and later the Moscow State Academic Art Institute (known as the Surikov Art Institute), where he came under the influence of the distinguished …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Dmitry Lisichenko Artist through the links above.