Interested in Eduard Fornieles Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Eduard Fornieles Artist.
Welcome to the Crypto Certs, a dynamic funding model created by the team at Ed Fornieles Studios. The aim of the program is to rethink the financial mechanisms that sustain an artist's studio and to reshape them in innovative ways. The Crypto Certs have been created as a means to raise funds for the development and production of new artwork.
Biography. A post-internet artist using Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as raw materials, Fornieles collapses the distinction between the online and the offline worlds by translating web-based art into sculpture and performance. A former data analyst, Fornieles uses real-time information from news feeds and social media to explore contemporary power structures, all with an underlying satire and …Nationality: British
Ed Fornieles. Hailed as a “post-internet” artist, Ed Fornieles creates work that takes inspiration from all corners of 21st century culture, from popular movies and television characters to social media platforms. Using various reoccurring digital archetypes, Fornieles investigates the concepts of family, friendship, relationship, physical interaction and language.
Ed Fornieles is a British artist that focuses on all the humorous things he can achieve through his performance and post-internet pieces. Ed Fornieles United Kingdom 1983
Ed Fornieles, artist publicaiton, Cura Publishing, 2017; CV. b.1983, UK Lives and works in London 2011 MA Sculpture, Royal College of Art, London, UK 2005 BA Fine Art, Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford University, UK 2003 Cunliffe Prize, judged by Anya Gallaccio
A former data analyst, Fornieles uses real-time information from news feeds and social media to explore contemporary power structures, all with an underlying satire and excess. His so-called “Facebook sitcom,” Dorm Daze, created Facebook profiles for three fictional characters who interacted based on general instructions from the artist, resulting in an organic, engagement-based, contentgenerating …
BIO - ED FORNIELES. Hailed as a “post-internet” artist, Ed Fornieles creates work that takes inspiration from all corners of 21st century culture, from popular movies and television characters to social media platforms. Using various reoccurring digital archetypes, Fornieles investigates the concepts of family, friendship, relationship, physical interaction and language.
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Ed Fornieles. A post-internet artist using Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as raw materia… Ed Fornieles - 1 Artworks for Sale on Artsy
We hope you have found all the information you need about Eduard Fornieles Artist through the links above.