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The Artcyclopedia is an index of online museums and image archives: find where the works of over 8,000 different fine artists can be viewed online. 9,000 artists listed 2,900 art sites indexed
Each of the 223 entries for painters, sculptors, and printmakers comprises a double-page spread and includes a description of the artist's life and work; a data file listing key facts about the artist, including important works; comparable artists and relevant glossary terms; a feature box that discusses the artist's style in detail; and a large illustration that clarifies some aspect of the artist's work.2/5(6)
Other articles where Artist is discussed: Native American art: The role of the artist: The very use of the word art suggests one of the basic differences between European or European-derived and American Indian concepts. For not only did few Indian groups allow art to become a major way of life, as in the West, but many Native…
Dec 21, 2020 · is the best place to find art online. Discover paintings and photographs in a searchable image database with artist biographies and artwork descriptions.
art·ist / ˈärtist / • n. a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby. ∎ a person who practices any of the creative arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker. ∎ a person skilled at a particular task or occupation: a surgeon who is an artist with the scalpel. ∎ a performer, such as a singer, actor, or dancer. ∎ inf. a habitual practitioner of a specified reprehensible activity: a con artist.
Notes on the alphabetizing of names on this site: Following common practice, Italian "place" names (containing -da- , -di- or -della -, for example) are generally listed under the artist's first name (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci is under "L"). We have attempted to list Asian artists under their family name, although they may be written as last-name-first-name or Westernized as first-name-last-name.
DO YOU KNOW THE OLDEST ART EVER FOUND? 100 Oldest Works of Stone Age Art. History of Art Our coverage of Prehistoric art features the oldest art from across the globe. Dating to the lower Paleolithic era of the Stone Age between 290,000 and 700,000 BCE, it includes the strange phenomenon of cupules, the Venuses of Berekhat Ram and Tan-Tan, and the Blombos Cave petroglyphs.
Identify artists signatures and monograms. View biographies and art prices. Browse over 45,000 artworks by more than 20,000 artists...
Art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and …
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