Interested in Flavia Da Rin Artista? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Flavia Da Rin Artista.
Flavia Da Rin (Buenos Aires, 1978) She studied for five years at the National School of Fine Arts «Prilidiano Pueyrredón», where she specialized in painting.
Bienvenidos - Flavia Da Rin. Flavia Da Rin. Obra Muestras Bio Textos Contacto. Desplazarse hacia arriba.
Flavia Da Rin’s work offers a kind of history of the different periods when it was made, as documented by the technology used during each era. The artist began her career in the early 2000s, the era of Fotolog when self-organized virtual communities were booming and people were starting to use chat programs like ICQ.
The artist Flavia da Rin wants to know whether I tried maté when I was in Argentina, visiting Buenos Aires and her retrospective at the city's Museo de Arte Moderno. I didn't, but she tells me ...Author: Alicia Kennedy
Flavia Da Rin (Argentina, 1978) Selección de Obras:
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