Interested in George James Watercolor Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about George James Watercolor Artist.

George James Biography – California Watercolor
    George James grew up in Southern California. During his teenage years he attended the Brandt-Dike Summer School of Painting in Corona del Mar and studied watercolor painting with Rex Brandt, Phil Dike and George Post. During the 1950s, he developed a geometric, abstractionist style of watercolor painting.

Figures in Transparent Watercolor on Yupo by George James
    Nov 15, 2011 · George James was one of 80 artists worldwide who took part in the Second Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary International Watermedia Masters in Nanjing, China, in May 2010; his work was also chosen for the Jiangsu Watercolor Society International Watercolor Exhibition held in Nanjing in November 2007 and in the Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition in …

George James Paintings & Artwork for Sale George James ...
    George R James (American, b.1932) is a contemporary American watercolorist and a Professor of Art Emeritus at California State University, Fullerton. He is known for his unique technique of painting on synthetic paper which allows him to wash out large areas of …

Technique: George James: Innovations ... - Artists Network
    Jun 06, 2008 · George James loves the spontaneity of watercolor so much that he works exclusively on a surface that repels the water, allowing him to rework the paint and allow the …

10 George James ideas george, figure painting, watercolor
    Oct 2, 2011 - Explore Anja Wessels's board "George James ", followed by 200 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about george, figure painting, watercolor.10 pins

George Robert James - askART: Art prices, artist art ...
    Watercolorist George James is a Professor of Art Emeritus at California State University, Fullerton. His unique technique of painting on synthetic paper allows him to wash out large areas of his artwork and to completely rework a painting. James credits this technique with …

Watercolor Painting: Expert Answers to the Questions Every ...
    Mar 01, 2012 · George James is Professor "Emeritus" of Art at California State University Fullerton, where he has taught since 1968. His award-winning watercolor paintings have been widely exhibited in shows throughout the United States, as well as at the 2007 Jiangsu Watercolor Society International Invitational Watercolor Exhibition in Nanjing, China.4.6/5(17)

Designing for Content: Yupo Master Class with George James ...
    Create art that captures memories and emotions with gold-medal-winning watercolorist George James. In this advanced watercolor workshop, George leads you beyond techniques for mixing paint and making shapes to the level of feeling color and understanding design.

GEORGE JAMES Obituary - (1932 - 2016) - Santa Ana, CA ...
    Born in Detroit, Michigan, George relocated to Costa Mesa, California in 1947. An art class in his senior year at Newport Harbor High School uncovered a natural gift for watercolor. Over the next...

We hope you have found all the information you need about George James Watercolor Artist through the links above.

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