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Girl in Hyacinth Blue tells the story of a painting by the Dutch painter Vermeer, as it passes from one owner to another. Interestingly, the story is told in reverse chronological order, beginning with the math teacher who, at present time, hides the painting in his home, to the girl in the painting and her wishes to become an artist herself.3.7/5(1.9K)
Sep 02, 2017 · Once filled, her mind spun out a string of novels, blending visual art, literature and fiction, several that became New York Times bestsellers and established Vreeland as one of San Diego’s most...
In 2002, Janson was commissioned by the American Hallmark Hall of Fame to paint a hypothetical Vermeer for the television adaptation Brush with Fate, based on Susan Vreeland's best-selling novel Girl in Hyacinth Blue. It was broadcast on CBS a year after.
Susan Vreeland, author of Girl in Hyacinth Blue, (Penguin Books, 2000) was an internationally known author of art-related historical fiction who, after a long and notable literary career, died in 2017.
Girl in Hyacinth Blue is a 2000 novel by Susan Vreeland based upon a fictional painting by Vermeer. This imaginary painting links the eight unrelated stories together through centuries. The novel is constituted of eight chapters, each has a story; it initiates with the last owner of the painting till the girl of the painting herself.
Oct 01, 2000 · Such is the case of the Vermeer painting, Girl in Hyacinth Blue, as described by author Susan Vreeland. The painting—this girl so simple in her dress and demeanor—immediately claims a space in each of her owners' hearts and lives, as an intimate relationship is formed between objet d'art and her possessor.Brand: RosettaBooks
Aug 17, 2009 · However, reading The Girl in Hyacinth Blue with Pearl Earring in mind is quite helpful because so much is made of the girl in the book’s painting’s appeal and engagement with the viewer. This book is less a contiguous story and more of a series of …
Susan Vreeland's second novel, "Girl in Hyacinth Blue," may be a book about a painting, but it is never content with surfaces. Tracing the influence of one extraordinary picture on a succession of human lives, it touches gently yet thoughtfully on such weighty topics as the immortality of a great artwork and the ways in which art can be used for various ends.
This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion on Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland. The Girl in Hyacinth Blue proceeds backward in time, following the history of one Vermeer painting, of a girl in a blue wrap, inside of an open window.
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