Interested in Harry Barton Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Harry Barton Artist.

Harry Barton, Artist Harry Barton
    Harry L. Barton, 1908 – 2001. Born in Cleveland and raised in Seattle, Harry Barton spent his life doing the thing he truly loved – painting. Whether in the Pacific Northwest around Seattle, Hood Canal, and Puget Sound; New York city’s Art Student’s League, Central Park, and the parks and beaches of Long Island; or in Pennsylvania and New England (he often summered in Rockport, Massachusetts and …

Harry Barton Paintings & Artwork for Sale Harry Barton ...
    Harry Barton (May 12, 1908-August 12, 2001) was an American artist whose illustrations were featured in The Saturday Evening Post, Argosy, Boy?s Life, Down East, and American Artist, as well as on movie billboards for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and in fashion advertising for Lord & …

Harry Barton : Original Illustration Artwork For Sale
    Harry Lang Barton, artist and illustrator May 12, 1908 - August 12, 2001. Born in Cleveland and raised in Seattle, Harry Barton spent his life doing the thing he truly loved--painting. Whether in the Pacific Northwest around Seattle, Hood Canal, and Puget Sound, or in the Art Students League, Central Park, and the parks and beaches of Long Island, or in Pennsylvania and New England (he often summered …

Harry (1908) Barton Paintings & Artwork for Sale Harry ...
    Harry Barton (May 12, 1908-August 12, 2001) was an American artist whose illustrations were featured in The Saturday Evening Post, Argosy, Boy’s Life, Down East, and American Artist, as well as on movie billboards for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and in fashion advertising for Lord & …

Harry Barton artnet
    View Harry Barton’s artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Learn about the artist and see available works for sale.Nationality: American

Harry Barton - Biography - askART: Art prices, artist art ...
    Harry Lang Barton, artist and illustrator May 12, 1908 - August 12, 2001. Born in Cleveland and raised in Seattle, Harry Barton spent his life doing the thing he truly loved--painting. Whether in the Pacific Northwest around Seattle, Hood Canal, and Puget Sound, or in the Art Students League, Central Park, and the parks and beaches of Long Island, or in Pennsylvania and New England (he often summered …

Harry Barton - Art for Sale
    There are 24 similar (related) artists for Harry Barton available: Rafael DeSoto, Walter Martin Baumhofer, Ed Balcourt, Harry Borgman, Mila Baine, Harry Beckhoff, Gilbert Bundy, August Bleser Jr, Stanley Borack, Margaret Brundage, Peter Driben, Ken Barr, Alfred Leslie Buell, Frank Rudolph Paul, Frederick Sands Brunner, Alfred Birdsey, Rudy Nappi, George Brehm, Fritz Willis, Paul Callan Vincent Burns, …

Harry Barton - Comic Artist - The Most Popular Comic Art ...
    Harry Barton - Comic Artist. The Most Popular Harry Barton Comic Art at

    Harry Barton, Jr. graduated Seattle's Broadway High School in 1926 and began to work as a commercial artist in a sign shop. He married his wife, Pauline, in 1938 and they moved to New York City. They lived at 4014 Utopia Parkway in Flushing Queens, which was near the historic 1939 World's Fair Grounds.

We hope you have found all the information you need about Harry Barton Artist through the links above.

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