Interested in Harry Wann Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Harry Wann Artist.

Mr Harry Wann :: biography at :: at Design and Art ...
    May 08, 2019 · Mr Harry Wann b. c.1890s. Also known as Mr Henry Patrick Wann, Harry Halliday. Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator), Artist (Painter) Early 20th century caricaturist. Harry worked for The Sun Newspaper as an illustrator until 1952. Contributed to the Reveille front cover page issue December 1934 drawing of the first conference in Australia of the British Empire Service League held in Melbourne …

Harry Wann Artwork for Sale at Online Auction Harry Wann ...
    Artists; Harry Wann; Looking for the value of an item? Visit our price data subscription page for options. Access Prices Access Prices. HARRY WANN (?-1952) 'MIDDLE HARBOUR' Oil. Signed lower left. 30 x 40cm. HARRY WANN (?-1952) 'MIDDLE HARBOUR' Oil. Signed lower left. 30 x 40cm.

Mr Harry Wann :: biography at :: at Design and Art ...
    Harry worked for The Sun Newspaper as an illustrator until 1952. Contributed to the Reveille front cover page issue December 1934 drawing of the first conference in Australia of the British Empire Service League held in Melbourne attended by all parts of the British Empire. 1935 Archibald Prize finalist Painting of - Miss Spicer illustrated books

Mr Harry Wann :: biography at :: at Design and Art ...
    Mr Harry Wann b. c.1890s Also known as Mr Henry Patrick Wann, Harry Halliday Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator), Artist (Painter) Early 20th century caricaturist. Harry worked for The Sun Newspaper as an illustrator until 1952. ... Artist (Painter) DAUGHTER. member of. GARRY HALIDAY WANN ...

Prices and estimates of works Harry Wann
    Harry Wann - artwork prices, pictures and values. Art market estimated value about Harry Wann works of art. Email alerts for new artworks on sale. Cookies help Arcadja providing its services: browsing the portal you accept their use. I cookies aiutano Arcadja a fornire i suoi servizi: navigando nel portale ne accettate l'utilizzo. ...

Mr Harry Wann :: biography at :: at Design and Art ...
    Mr Harry Wann b. c.1890s Also known as Mr Henry Patrick Wann, Harry Halliday Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator), Artist (Painter) Early 20th century caricaturist. ... Black and white artists Tools. Edit. Version history Updated May 8, 2019. Created Jan. 1, 1996. Projects that include this item ...

Harry Wann Art Auction Results
    Stay up to date with Harry Wann . Discover works for sale, auction results, market data, news and exhibitions on MutualArt.

We hope you have found all the information you need about Harry Wann Artist through the links above.

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