Interested in Hazel Burnham Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Hazel Burnham Artist.
Hazel Burnham. Hazel Burnham is an artist living in rural Lincolnshire. She mainly works in fused glass and photography, but also likes to do other work such as textiles, collage or really whatever takes her fancy, taking inspiration from the world around her with a special love for the colourful, fun and quirky.
About - Hazel Burnham Design. Welcome to my world! It’s slightly bonkers (I’m informed), a bit chaotic, but more interesting that way! I am an artist living in rural Lincolnshire (the photo shows a rogue chicken perched on glass in my conservatory). Mainly I spend my time making fused glass and taking photographs, but I also like to do ...
Hazel Burnham Slaughter was born in the year 1888. She was a well known painter and textile designer living most of her life in New York City and Connecticut but traveled throughout the world. She studied at the Applied Design Department at the Massachusetts Normal Art School, with Marshal Fry in Hartford Ct., and the Art Students League in NYC.
Hazel Burnham Slaughter (1888 - 1979) was active/lived in New York, Connecticut. Hazel Slaughter is known for Painting and textile art, fashion design. Hazel Burnham Slaughter was born in the year 1888. She was a well known painter and textile designer living most of her life in New York City and Connecticut but traveled throughout the world.
Hazel Burnham Glass artist . Please click the images above to enlarge them. Hazel studied glass techniques and technology at The International Glass Centre, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, 2003-2004. In 2005 she was awarded a grant from the Arts Council to buy an Architectural Kiln. At the same time she moved in to a new studio at the Ropewalk ...
Hazel Burnham Slaughter was an American artist who was born in 1888. Hazel Burnham Slaughter's first artwork to be offered at auction was Abstract Composition at Skinner, Boston in 2009 The artist …Nationality: American
Hazel Burnham Slaughter (1888 - 1979) was active/lived in New York, Connecticut. Hazel Slaughter is known for Painting and textile art, fashion design. Hazel Burnham Slaughter was born in the year 1888. She was a well known painter and textile designer living most of her life in New York City and Connecticut but traveled throughout the world.
HAZEL BURNHAM is a Artist/Designer from Buckinghamshire. This person was born in March 1958, which was over 62 years ago. HAZEL BURNHAM is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Hazel Burnham Artist through the links above.