Interested in Heather Ault Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Heather Ault Artist.
"Heather Ault is the most creative artist working today on behalf of the abortion rights movement... her work deserves widespread distribution." – Carole Joffe, PhD, University of California, Berkeley "The Abortion Care Network was very fortunate to have Heather Ault present '4000 Years for Choice' at our 2010 Annual Meeting.
Nov 20, 2011 · Growing up, 39-year-old activist artist Heather Ault never imagined that people had been trying to control their fertility for more than 4000 years. The Grosse Pointe, Michigan native says that she simply assumed that contraception was a recent phenomenon and that prior to Roe v.
Heather Ault holds a Master of Fine Arts and her current position is as a graphic designer at the Office of Online and Continuing Education at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. She uses her art as a medium for activism in support of the pro-choice and feminist movement.
'4000 Years Of Choice' Comes To San Francisco: Artist Heather Ault's Unique Approach To Reproductive Rights (PHOTOS, VIDEO) By Robin Wilkey "Since the days of Roe v. Wade, the pro-choice movement has presented images of feminists, coat hangers and dead women to represent reproductive rights," said local artist Heather Ault. "Now is the time for ...
According to the 4000 Years For Choice website, Ault "is an award-winning artist, researcher, and activist for abortion rights and reproductive justice" and is "devoted to re-visioning the historical and cultural narrative of abortion and contraception."
Mar 28, 2014 · Heather Ault is an award-winning artist, researcher, and activist for abortion rights and reproductive justice. As founder of 4000 Years for Choice, she created a dynamic visual art series devoted to re-visioning the historical and cultural narrative …
Growing up, 39-year-old activist artist Heather Ault never imagined that people had been trying to control their fertility for more than 4000 years. The Grosse Pointe, Michigan native says that she simply assumed that contraception was a recent phenomenon and that prior to Roe v.
Art is a great catalyst for change, and Heather Ault, the artist behind 4000 Years For Choice, strikes down abortion stigma with vibrant colors, beautiful imagery, and a strong message. I want to...
You can't make an impact without technology AND face time. Heather Ault: Visualizing 4000 Years of Choice - by Eleanor Bader Devoted to reproductive justice, an artist is BFF to clinics. • Art …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Heather Ault Artist through the links above.