Interested in Hilbert Artists Mnchen? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Hilbert Artists Mnchen.

Contact - Hilbert Artists Management
    Hilbert Artists Management GmbH. Maximilianstrasse 22 80539 München. E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)89 290 747-0 Partner: Lerin Artists Management. Bruc 125 E-08037 Barcelona.

Imprint - Hilbert Artists Management
    Hilbert Artists Management GmbH. Maximilianstrasse 22 80539 München E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)89 290 747-0 Fax: +49 (0)89 290 747-90 Firmenbuchnr/Firmengericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 206439. UID Nr.DE290186717. Steuer-Nr. 143/146/11234 Contents, layout, design and pictures are protected.

Hilbert Artists Management GmbH Company Profile München ...
    Hilbert Artists Management GmbH is located in München, Bayern, Germany and is part of the Talent & Modeling Agencies Industry. Hilbert Artists Management GmbH has 11 employees at this location and generates $572,387 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Hilbert Artists Management GmbH corporate family. Key Principal.Employees: 11

Team - Hilbert Artists Management
    Dr. Germinal Hilbert. Founder of the Agency and owner of Opéra et Concert (Paris) and ‘HILBERT ARTISTS MANAGEMENT’ (Munich). Doctor of Law, INSEAD Fontainebleau. Areas of responsibility: Promoting young talents and providing individual assistance for the artists.

Privacy - Hilbert Artists Management
    Hilbert Artists Management GmbH Maximilianstrasse 22 D – 80539 Muenchen. Tel.: +49 – (0)89 – 290 747 – 0. You can visit our website without providing details or personal specifications. Personal specifications will only be required if you voluntarily hand them out to us in the process of subscribing to our newsletter.

Michelle Breedt . Mezzosoprano . AGENT
    AGENT. General Management . Hilbert Artists Management. Maximilianstr. 22 D 80539 München GERMANY . Tel:+49-89-290 747-0. Fax: +49-89-290 747-90. Email:

Günther Groissböck - Hilbert Artists Management
    Günther Groissböck. Günther Groissböck studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, first with Robert Holl and later with José van Dam. He is a regular guest at all leading houses worldwide, such as the Metropolitan Opera New York, La Scala Milan, Bavarian State Opera Munich, Vienna State Opera, Opéra de Paris, the Staatsoper and Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Salzburg and …

We hope you have found all the information you need about Hilbert Artists Mnchen through the links above.

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