Interested in Inari Fox Doll By Russian Artist Santani? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Inari Fox Doll By Russian Artist Santani.
Fake - Inari Foxes - These are dolls. They are not real. - There is no such species of animal. The first soft-bodied framed doll from the new series "Inari Foxes" by …31 pins
The first soft-bodied framed doll from my new series "Inari Foxes" 8.5 inches tall fabric fur + fimo clay parts (my friend holding the toy) Inari Foxes: Ivory animation Santani User Profile DeviantArt19 pins
Get paid for your art. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. ... Santani - Dolls by Shazami. You Might Like . . . Featured in groups See All. ... 7K Favourites. 809 Comments. 240K Views. The first soft-bodied framed doll from my new series "Inari Foxes" 8.5 inches tall fabric fur + fimo clay parts. Image details. Image size ...
Jul 11, 2014 · Get paid for your art. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Poll. ... clay cute doll fimo fox santani toy. Soft-bodied framed doll from my series "Inari Foxes" 8.5 inches tall ... I would love to buy this inari fox doll but I too am unable to find out where to …
Art Doll Creatures by Lh4ma. You Might Like . . . Featured in groups See All. Forest-World. ColorFurr. Animals-of-Color. GrimGloomTale. Inari Foxes: Lynx. By Santani Watch. 4K Favourites. 457 Comments. 235K Views. doll fantasy fox lynx toy. Soft-bodied framed dolls from my series "Inari Foxes" 8.5 inches tall fabric fur + fimo clay parts. Image ...
Jan 27, 2014 · Realistic Handmade Fantasy Creature Dolls by Kimber Streams on January 27, 2014 Moscow-based artist Santani creates amazingly cute and realistic dolls like Inari Foxes, Sowls, and My Little Dragons. You can find more of the cute creations at Santani’s deviantART gallery, but you probably shouldn’t get them wet or feed them after midnight.
With all questions connected with dolls or function of the website please contact our Manager by the specified on the website e-mail: or use the feedback form. If you are going to order a doll made of a specific type of faux fur, please check with our Manager the availability of this fur. Your Santaniel Workshop!
Santani creates these dolls using materials like fimo clay, cernit, sculpey, sonnet and fabric fur, which makes the solid sculptures look like fluffy creatures. Some think they look like milder version of Spielberg’s gremlins while others may see them as peculiar anime creatures.
Santani, a 23-year old lady from Russia, makes fantasy dolls that look really real. I bet you won't believe me so below are some photos of her dolls.
Check out Santani's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired. ... Oni Fox: White Tiger (muzzle) Santani. 0 Comments. 25 Favourites. Oni Fox: White Tiger. Santani. 2 Comments. ... Russian doll artist Santaniel. Making dolls since 2005. Our ETSY STORE. Our SITE. Our FACEBOOK PAGE. Our INSTAGRAM.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Inari Fox Doll By Russian Artist Santani through the links above.