Interested in Interpol Artistas Similares? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Interpol Artistas Similares.
There is more than one artist sharing the name Paul Banks. One resides in Denmark, one resides in Texas, and one is the frontman of the band Interpol. 1) Paul Banks is the name of the frontman of the band Interpol, Banks was born in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, …
Encuentra artistas similares a Interpol y descubre nueva música. Haz scrobbling de canciones para conseguir recomendaciones de temas, álbumes y artistas que te gustarán.,les.html
30 rows · Biografía - Fotos - Discografía - Todas sus Canciones - Enlaces - Artistas Similares - ...
Escuchar artistas similares Interpol es una banda neoyorquina de Indie Rock formada en 1998. La banda se encuentra actualmente formada por Paul Banks (vocalista, guitarra), Daniel Kessler (guitarra) y Sam Fogarino (batería).
Miras imágenes y sesiones fotográficas de Interpol, y escucha online la música más reciente. ... Artistas similares. Paul Banks. 89.277 oyentes Julian Plenti. 138.354 oyentes Editors. 1.721.529 oyentes White Lies. 1.218.039 oyentes The Strokes. 3.522.987 oyentes ...
Interpol is one of the bands associated with the New York City indie music scene, and was one of several groups that emerged out of the post-punk revival of the 2000s. The band's sound is generally a mix of bass throb and rhythmic, harmonized guitar, with a snare heavy mix, drawing comparisons to post-punk bands such as Joy Division and The Chameleons.
Artistas similares. The Strokes. Arcade Fire. Queens of the Stone Age. Franz Ferdinand. Joy Division. Pixies. Discografía Álbumes ... Interpol under exclusive license to Matador Records 10-07-2007 Our Love To Admire. 01. Pioneer To The Falls . Interpol. Our Love To Admire.
INTERPOL enables police in our 194 member countries to work together to fight international crime.
Full of dark, melancholic indie rock that soars and rumbles, Interpol became one of the most acclaimed post punk acts to rise from New York in the early 2000s. Drawing heavily on the gothic gloom and romance of Joy Division and The Cure, a session for influential Radio 1 DJ John Peel in 2001 helped their debut album 'Turn On the Bright Lights' become a cult classic in the UK...
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