Interested in Ivan Kelly Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Ivan Kelly Artist.
Ivan is a signature member of the prestigious American Society of Marine Artists.
askART artist signatures for Ivan Kelly. Ivan Kelly (Born 1951) is active/lives in Oregon.
Explore releases from Ivan Kelly at Discogs. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Ivan Kelly at the Discogs Marketplace.
Born and raised on a farm in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, Ivan Kelly immigrated to Canada in 1972. He lived in British Columbia for more than 20 years and taught himself to paint by closely examining works by the masters, visiting museums, and experimentation. The landscapes and wildlife of the Canadian Rockies were his first subjects.
askART artist keywords for Ivan Kelly. There are keywords for Ivan KellyIvan Kelly (Born 1951) is active/lives in Oregon.5/5
askART artist summary of Ivan Kelly. Ivan Kelly (Born 1951) is active/lives in Oregon. Ivan Kelly is known for Wildlife, landscape, marine, still life.
askART publications for Ivan Kelly. There are 0 regarding Ivan KellyIvan Kelly (Born 1951) is active/lives in Oregon.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Ivan Kelly Artist through the links above.