Interested in James Mcgarrell Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about James Mcgarrell Artist.

James McGarrell
    19JAMES JAMES 30-2020MEJAMES MCGARRELL1930-2020S MCGARRELLMESMCGARRELL 1930-20200AMES MCGARRELL 1930-2020 Purchase inquiries may be made to the artist's son Andrew McGarrell. Box 39 Newbury VT 05051

Bio James McGarrell
    James McGarrell was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on February 22, 1930. As a teenager he had a strong interest in jazz, particularly the music of early New Orleans and Kansas City. After exhausting the books on the subject in the public library, he began to look at art books on the neighboring shelves.

James McGarrell MoMA
    James McGarrell (February 22, 1930 – February 7, 2020) was an American painter and printmaker known for painting lush figurative interiors and landscapes. Wikidata Q1668538

James McGarrell Artnet
    James McGarrell (American, born 1930)Nationality: American

James McGarrell Biography Annex Galleries Fine Prints
    Painter and printmaker James McGarrell was born on February 2, 1930, in Indianapolis, Indiana. He began to teach himself how to draw and paint at age twenty, after discovering books on art at the library while a law student at Indiana University, Bloomington.

James McGarrell Normal Editions - Illinois State
    McGarrell participated in several collaborative print projects at Normal Editions Workshop during short term residencies at the School of Art at Illinois State University in 1976 and 1977. Artist James McGarrell…

James McGarrell - Artists - BigTown Gallery
    James McGarrell Born, Indianapolis, February 22, 1930 The work of James McGarrell has been exhibited since 1955 at galleries and museums in America and abroad. It has been included in five Whitney Museum Annuals and Biennials, two Carnegie International Exhibitions, Documenta in Kassel Germany and the American Pavilion of the 1968 Venice Biennale.

James McGarrell Tamarind Institute
    James McGarrell, Stanza: Cascade, 1978 (78-603) $ 750.00 James McGarrell, Stanza: Ships, 1978 (78-601) $ 750.00 James McGarrell, Stanza: Colophon, 1978 (78-628a)

Fabulous Vintage James McGarrell Hand Signed & Numbered ...
    Huge Fabulous Vintage James McGarrell Hand Signed Artist Proof. $795.00 + shipping. Seller 100% positive. Vintage James Swann Original Etching Signed Downtown Chicago Cityscape See pics! $300.00 + $18.00 shipping. Seller 99.5% positive. MCM Hoosier Indiana Listed Artist James McGarrell …Seller Rating: 100.0% positive

We hope you have found all the information you need about James Mcgarrell Artist through the links above.

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