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About — Jane Ormes. Cart 0. Home About SHOP. I am a printmaker with a passion for pattern and the absurd. When I was 7 I won an art prize at school. The headmaster held it upside down and I was ( quietly ) furious. I live in the vibrant city of Bristol in an untidy house with my family and 2 …
Jane Ormes. Jane is a printmaker and designer living and working in Bristol. Her Limited Edition screenprints combine her love of pattern and colour with a sense of the absurd. She unwittingly gives away cat hair, free of charge, with much of her work. She confesses to having accidentally glued her hands to her desk and for harboring a small crush on Daniel Craig.
Jane Ormes We are delighted to work with the fabulous designer Jane Ormes. Jane was born in Bromley in 1964 and graduated with a degree in Surface Pattern Design but now concentrates on producing whimsical and decorative limited edition prints which are available from selected galleries throughout the country.
Fetch drypoint print with embossing by Jane Ormes. janeormes. From shop janeormes. 5 out of 5 stars. (278) 278 reviews. £65.00. Only 1 available and it's in 1 person's basket.
Jane Ormes Printmaker and Designer, Bristol, United Kingdom. 12,466 likes. I am a printmaker and designer living in Bristol.Follow my shennanigans here.
Art. Contemporary Art. Postmodern Art. . Peacock And Peahen. By Jane Orme printmaker. Saved by Townhill Studio. 2. Peacock And Peahen ... Peacock And Peahen. By Jane Orme printmaker. Saved by Townhill Studio. 2. Peacock And Peahen ...
Jane Ormes Printmaker and Designer, Bristol, United Kingdom. 12,478 likes. I am a printmaker and designer living in Bristol.Follow my shennanigans here.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Jane Orme Artist through the links above.