Interested in Jane Ponsford Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Jane Ponsford Artist.
Aug 30, 2012 · Sublunary, 2018, Jane Ponsford, an installation of handmade paper and chalk, Broadwood Tower, Box Hill, Surrey
Jane Ponsford is an artist and papermaker who uses repetitive processes to create sculptural and textural forms made up of hundreds of near identical fragments of handmade paper. Ponsford‘s preoccupation with materiality and process in response to place is an attempt to capture the essence of a landscape. Ephemeral and fragile, her works are ...
Papertrails: art in the landscape. Storytree, 2007, from Papertrails a twelve-month residency in the landscape, Jane Ponsford. Blog at ...
Available for sale from Sarah Myerscough Gallery, Jane Ponsford, Blue-Black Accumulation (2021), Stacked cast cotton rag paper form coloured with oak gall …Brand: Jane Ponsford
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Jane Ponsford
Jane Ponsford As an artist and papermaker much of Jane Ponsford’s practice is based in relation to the landscape. Recent projects include Passing Moment as part of 10 Days Chalk at the Winchester City Museum and A Landscape in Ten Parts , at Newark Park, Gloucestershire.
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Jane Ponsford
2011 - Track Changes, an artists book with Figure Ground 2010 - Artists' Books, Nature and the Landscape, Sarah Bodman for the Deverodde Book Arts Festival and Exhibition 2008 - The Art of Blogging, a-n collections, Jane Watt 2007 - a-n Magazine, 'Artists' projects in progress': Jane Ponsford, Papertrails residency
We hope you have found all the information you need about Jane Ponsford Artist through the links above.