Interested in Janet Goddard Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Janet Goddard Artist.
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Janet Goddard
Janet Goddard is an artist. Their work was featured in exhibitions at the Denise Bibro Fine Art . In MutualArt’s artist press archive, Janet Goddard is featured in AbEx to the MAX at Denise Bibro Fine Art , a piece from the Arte Fuse in 2015.Author: Arte Fuse
Learn more about Janet Goddard . Read the artist bio and gain a deeper understanding with MutualArt's artist profile.
Janet Goddard wall art for home and office decor. Discover canvas art prints, photos, mural, big canvas art and framed wall art in's varied collections. +1 (800) 557-2520
Janet Goddard. Janet Goddard. Featured Works. Featured Works; Exhibitions; Pulse of Landscape. Passage at Sunset. Passage at Sunset. Exhibitions. OUT OF THE CLOSET June 20 - July 27, 2019. Denise Bibro Fine Art. 529 West 20th Street 4W New York, NY 10011. Tel: 212-647-7030 Hours Tues - Saturday 11am - 6pm. ...
Available for sale from Denise Bibro Fine Art, Janet Goddard, Pulse of Landscape (NA), Oil on linen, 40 1/4 × 54 1/4 inBrand: Janet Goddard
Janet Goddard Janet has been a patchworker and quilter for several years and now designs and writes patterns for her website, magazines and books. She also teaches regular evening and day classes locally in Hertfordshire, Essex and North London. She is available to teach in other parts of the UK at various times of the year.
Janet Goddard loves to stitch and her patterns are published regularly in British patchwork and quilting magazines as well as being included in various books. Janet teaches regular evening and day classes throughout the UK. Her work is also featured on her website
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