Interested in Japanese Cast Glass Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Japanese Cast Glass Artists.
Dec 09, 2007 · Japan. Keiko Mukaide (b. 1954) The Netherlands. Antoon Derkinderen (20 December 1859 – Amsterdam, 2 November 1925) New Zealand. Te Rongo Kirkwood (b. 1973) Elizabeth McClure (b. 1957) Ann Robinson (b. 1944) Philippines. Marge Organo, contemporary glass artist…
Japanese glass artistic achievements remain largely unknown to the Western audience. We have travelled around Japan and met talented glass artists. Here we tell their story and introduce you to Japanese glass craftsmanship. We have carefully curated unique glass objects from remote Japanese workshops and have sourced them directly from the artists.
Hibri Glass Gallery is a sculpting studio and glass gallery located in San Antonio, Texas. Featuring the work of owner and multi-media artist, Hilal Hibri, who specializes in hand-made cast crystal glass. Also displaying work from glass artist …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Japanese Cast Glass Artists through the links above.