Interested in Jarrett Brandon Artistry? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Jarrett Brandon Artistry.
JARRETT BRANDON ARTISTRY January 1998 – Present 21 years 11 months. NEW YORK CITY . Regional Makeup Artist NARS Cosmetics May 2014 – June 2018 4 years 2 months. NYC.Title: Independent Consultant
Jarrett Brandon Artistry is a gift. Not only is his personality more positive and bright than most people you’ll meet, but he is talented beyond belief. And fast. And efficient. And patient. And CLEAN (I was so amazed with his attention to disinfecting, even pre-pandemic!). Not to mention, he is insanely fun!
Brandon Jarrett Recording Artist/ Songwriter/ Producer Office: 818-989-9775 Email: [email protected] Brandon was bo
Jarrett Brandon Artistry is a gift. Not only is his personality more positive and bright than most people you’ll meet, but he is talented beyond belief. And fast. And efficient. And patient. And CLEAN (I was so amazed with his attention to disinfecting, even pre-pandemic!). Not to mention, he is insanely fun!
please note: we are currently operating at a limited capacity due to provincial restrictions. booking is not available until we get through our cancelled appointments. thank you for understanding and please stay safe! × dismiss alert
We hope you have found all the information you need about Jarrett Brandon Artistry through the links above.