Interested in Jean Marie Drouet Artiste? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Jean Marie Drouet Artiste.
Jean Marie Drouet Jean-Marie Drouet was born in 1961. Exhibiting since 2004, he Lives on the coast. With a degree from the Fine Arts school of Angoulême, Jean Marie Drouet has worked in advertising for 17 years before resolutely turning to painting.
Artist — West Coast of France With a degree from the Fine Arts school, Jean Marie Drouet worked in advertising for 17 years before resolutely turning to painting. Since his first exhibit in 2004, he has exhibited his artwork in several galleries in France and presented his work internationally at art fairs in Londres, Amsterdam, New York , and Stockholm.
Oct 9, 2019 - Explore Duarte Almada's board "Jean Marie Drouet", followed by 932 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Painting, Art, Jean.
Jean Marie Drouet- Artist. Jean Marie Drouet- Artist. Jean Marie Drouet- Artist. When did you get your first surfboard? My first surfboard was a soft bodyboard and it was in 78. The same year I bought my first windsurf (a windsurfer with wood wishbone) many years later, I discovered surfing, stopped the windsurfing and now I only ride longboards.
Jean Marie Drouet est né en 1961. Il expose depuis 2004 et vit au bord de l’océan. Diplômé de l’Ecole de Beaux-Arts d’Angoulême, Jean Marie Drouet a travaillé 17 ans dans la publicité avant de se tourner résolument vers la peinture.
Jean-Marie Drouet né en 1961, vit sur la côte Atlantique en Vendée. Diplômé de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts d’Angoulême il passe une quinzaine d’années à aiguiser son goût pour la mise en page et la composition dans la publicité et l’édition avant de se tourner radicalement vers la peinture.
22 janv. 2015 - Au creux de l'hiver, rien de tel qu'un peu de chaleur. Et pour ce faire, place à la côte ou plutôt à l'image qu'en fixe Jean-Marie Drouet. Né en 1961, ce jeune
Voir le profil de Jean-Baptiste Drouet sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. Jean-Baptiste a 3 postes sur son profil. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Jean-Baptiste, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires.Title: Étudiant(e) (Ecole polytechnique)
We hope you have found all the information you need about Jean Marie Drouet Artiste through the links above.