Interested in Kaltjiti Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Kaltjiti Artists.
Karen Hatches. Kathy Maringka. Kunmanara Edwards. Lara Ken. Mantuwa George. Manyitjanu Lennon. Matjangka (Nyukana) Norris. Meredith Curley. Meredith Treacle. Nancy George
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Katjiti Arts is known as an art centre with diversity of aesthetic and a depth of talent. Senior male artists Witjiti George and Taylor Copper are joined by senior women, Manitjanu Lennon, Imitjala Curley, Matjangka Norris and Kathy Maringka, all exploring Tjukurpa of the region.
Senior artists like Witjiti George, Kathy Maringka Roberts and Tjangili George have established their own individual styles that sing with such purity, wisdom and authority. Their works are self-assured statements informed by long lives on their Country with family.
Kaltjiti Arts is known for diversity of aesthetic and depth of talent. Senior male artists Witjiti George and Taylor Copper and senior women Manitjanu Lennon, Imitjala Curley, Matjangka Norris and Kathy Maringka all explore the Tjukurpa (ancestral stories and law) of the region.
Kaltjiti artists sing country, dance country and paint the songs of their land. The artists of Kaltjiti live at Freegon, a small settlement in the far northwest of South Australia. However the country they paint is not confinned to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands but stretches across the Great Victoria Desert.The songlines ...
In association with Kaltjiti Arts, we are delighted to present recent paintings by established and emerging artists. THE SPACE BETWEEN (lessons on Covid from Aboriginal art) At a time when we are all being urged to maintain a safe distance from one another, I began to contemplate this notion of the “space between”. Within the context of Covid-19 it can be seen as a necessary
Kaltjiti Arts is a community based art centre located at Fregon (Kaltjiti Community) in the remote north west of South Australia, in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. The centre provides resources and opportunities for the artists there, as well as …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Kaltjiti Artists through the links above.