Interested in Keirstead Artist Kingston? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Keirstead Artist Kingston.
4 Aragon Rd. Kingston Ontario 613-549-4044 My art has been popular since the 1970's. My technique of using mostly knives, not brushes, allows me to create sharp bold works in oil paint with sculpted texture and more depth. Come to Kingston and meet the artist..
Established as one of Canadians favorite contemporary artists, James Keirstead paints rustic old mills and early stone homesteads from Ontario to the Eastern seaboard.
James Keirstead is one of Canada's foremost landscape and heritage artists. Painting with knives and oils, he has a distinctive, boldly textured, impressionistic style. His nostalgic heritage subjects and peaceful landscapes bring quiet enjoyment that have universal appeal. The angular Keirstead signature conjures up romantic images.
Description: JAMES LORIMER KEIRSTEAD (CANADIAN, 1932-) STONE FLOUR MILLSOIL ON MASONITE; SIGNED AND DATED ‘09 LOWER RIGHT; SIGNED, TITLED AND DATED 2009 VERSO24 x 36 in — 61 x 91.4 cmProvenance:Private Collection - Kingston, OntarioEstimate: $1,500—2,000...
Apr 20, 2018 · James Lorimer Keirstead has been a fixture on the Kingston art scene for quite some time — pretty much since he started painting full time in 1965 — …
Keirstead Studio and Gallery, Art gallery in Kingston, Ontario, 4 Aragon Road, Kingston, ON K0H 1S0 – Hours of Operation & Customer Reviews.Location: 4 Aragon Road, Kingston, K0H 1S0, Ontario
Established as one of Canadians favorite contemporary artists, James Keirstead paints rustic old mills and early stone homesteads from Ontario to the Eastern seaboard.
Artwork by James Lorimer Keirstead, of Kingston, Ontario. Few living artists can claim the popularity of James Lorimer Keirstead as one of Canada’s foremost landscape and heritage artists. Painting with knives and oils James has a distinctive boldly textured impressionistic style.
Here is shown a Canadian master painter Keirstead print of Canadian historical landmark Inge-va of Perth, Ontario. Purchased at the Keirstead Gallery in Kingston. Dimensions 16.5"x13". Canvas matted and solid wood framed.
In 1986 Canadian artist Michael Keirstead created “The Jam Part I - A History” to illustrate “the musical influences that shaped the evolution of Rock music.”. The Canadian artist used a pen and ink stipple technique, called pointillism to ...
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