Interested in Ken Turner U.K.Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Ken Turner U.K.Artist.
Ken Turner British Wildlife and Countryside Artist
Ken Turner Ken Turner is one of our most enduring Artists. Showing with Francis Iles Galleries since the early 70’s, his name has become synonymous with exquisite wildlife painting. A true observer, Ken depicts nature as he sees it, from ladybirds bending blades of grass, pheasants beautifully camouflaged in snow to ducks rising from the water.
Ken Turner was born in India and self-taught to his teenage years. He was exhibited in Tate Britain in 1964 and John Berger curated a group show with his work but in 1968 he started ActionSpace and became famous for his performance art. He is a member of the Newlyn Society of Artists.
KENNETH R. TURNER Kenneth Richard Turner has been a professional artist for more than four decades and including his student years has been painting nearly 6 decades. His artistic production exceeds 800 original oil paintings and hang in collections around the world.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Ken Turner U.K.Artist through the links above.