Interested in Kim Wiggins Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Kim Wiggins Artist.
Kim Douglas Wiggins’ distinct style and modern vision of the West has made him one of the most recognizable artists in America today. He is acknowledged as one of the creative forerunners behind the current New West Movement and is one of the prominent speakers in the art industry encouraging innovation in Western art.
Still Life. Cityscape. Landscape
Artist Galleries Book Blog Home Portfolio Welcome Events Artist Galleries Book Blog MANITOU GALLERIES. 123 West Palace Avenue. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. 505 . 986 . 0440. MAXWELL ALEXANDER GALLERY. 406 West Pico Boulevard. Los Angeles, California 90015. 213 . 275 . 1060 ...
Book Signing: Join the artist in Santa Fe this summer for the opening of his one-man show and preview of his book, Kim Wiggins, Artist of the Modern West.Friday, August 7, 2020, at Manitou Galleries of Santa Fe. (Book signing from 5 pm to 7 pm).
Kim Douglas Wiggins’ distinct style and modern vision of the West has made him one of the most recognizable artists in America today. He is acknowledged as one of the creative forerunners behind the current New West Movement and is a prominent speaker encouraging innovation in Western art.
Kim Douglas Wiggins grew up on a ranch in southern New Mexico. At the age of twelve, an art dealer visiting his parent’s ranch discovered his budding talent and began marketing his work in Scottsdale, Arizona. By the mid 1970’s, he was painting in oil and working as a graphic artist …
Kim Douglas Wiggins’ distinct style and modern vision of the West has made him one of the most recognizable artists in America today. He is acknowledged as one of the creative forerunners behind the current New West Movement and is one of the prominent speakers in the art industry encouraging innovation in Western art.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Kim Wiggins Artist through the links above.