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Directed by Irvin Kershner. With George C. Scott, Sue Lyon, Harry Morgan, Jack Albertson. A rural con artist and an army deserter cheat the townsfolk and are aided by a rich gal who shields the fleeing duo from the wrath of the pursuing sheriff.
Matthew Cox is a true crime writer who was sentenced to 26 years in Federal prison for identity theft and mortgage fraud. One of his most popular stories "On...
So without further ado, here are the 15 Best Con Artist Movies Of All Time. 16 American Hustle (2013) Nominated for ten Oscars, American Hustle is a fictional film that follows con man Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) as he is forced to enter the world of Jersey powerbrokers by an FBI agent (Bradley Cooper), but becomes quickly engrossed.Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Most con artist films have a beautiful woman at the center of the scheme to act as the seductress. Though it is a bit of a tired cliché, Wanda (Jamie Lee Curtis) is certainly one of the more interesting of these kinds of characters in the hilarious romp A Fish Called Wanda. RELATED: Jamie Lee Curtis' 10 Best Roles, Ranked (TV & Film)Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
4 Eduardo de Valfierno. Eduardo de Valfierno, who referred to himself as Marqués (marquis), was an Argentine con man who allegedly masterminded the theft of the Mona Lisa.Valfierno paid several men to steal the work of art from the Louvre, including museum employee Vincenzo Peruggia.On August 21, 1911 Peruggia hid the Mona Lisa under his coat and simply walked out the door.
We have made the challenging decision to postpone Comic-Con 2021 as an in-person gathering until our 2022 dates, and once again hold this year's celebration as the free online Comic-Con@Home. We will return to the San Diego Convention Center July 20 - 24, 2022. Please see our full statement here.
Country singer Daniel Lee Martin, who was accused of child sex crimes, has died by suicide, Fox News can confirm. The musician and former reality show host was found dead at age 54 from an apparent...
For all his flaws, Riesman’s Lee elicits sympathy: He was a man who felt responsibility for others, was easily manipulated and susceptible to con artists, and was committed to his wife and ...
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