Interested in Leedy Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Leedy Artist.
Jeff Leedy, Fine Art Humorist Along the way I realized that I had two talents. I could draw and paint pretty well. And, I was funny.
Robert Leedy Watercolors. My Podcast. You can go to Apple’s iTunes Store and search “Robert Leedy” to find & subscribe to my watercolor podcast -or- you can take a shortcut by clicking on the site below. Robert Leedy’s Watercolor Podcast. and my YouTube Site The Art of Robert Leedy. The Art of Robert Leedy
Robert Leedy Watercolors showcases the watercolor paintings & art of Robert Leedy. In addition to selling paintings and accepting commissions, Leedy teaches watercolor classes & workshops and is available for speaking engagements, art judging and curation, and demonstration paintings.
is the work of Jeff Leedy, internationally known fine art humorist. Whether you crack up at "Counsel Approaching The Bench" or "Dogus Interruptus", you’ll find yourself in a lighter, happier mood. Jeff Leedy's art just makes people happy. One customer quipped, …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Leedy Artist through the links above.