Interested in List Of Artists By First Name? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about List Of Artists By First Name.
Richard Artschwager - American Artist Boris Artzybasheff - Ukrainian/American Painter/Illustrator Arvilland - French Egid Quirin Asam - German Sculptor Kosmas Damian Asam - German Sculptor Pieter Jansz. van Asch - Dutch Painter Charles Robert Ashbee - British Michael Asher - American Conceptual Artist Kenojuak Ashevak - Canadian Inuit Printmaker
First name: C% Last name: _ _ net or First name: cl _ _ d _ Last name: m%et Matches Claude Monet change to simple search. Use the slider to limit to artists who were alive at the time you estimate the painting is from. ... Saved Artists. Use this list to email yourself the list of saved artists from any search session. Please note the results ...
Many times, the signature is just a scrawl, or an extra artistic treatment of their name. This can be especially frustrating with older or less popular artists, who did not get credited for their work. Our goal is to help you to identify unknown artist or illustrator signatures, using our large selection of illustrator signature samples.
Notes on the alphabetizing of names on this site: Following common practice, Italian "place" names (containing -da- , -di- or -della -, for example) are generally listed under the artist's first name (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci is under "L"). We have attempted to list Asian artists under their family name, although they may be written as last-name-first-name or Westernized as first-name-last-name.
American Textile Artist: Amzi Emmons Zeliff: American: Bernardino Zenale: Italian Painter: Zeng Mi: Chinese: Patrick Zentz: Sculptor: Karl Zerbe: German/American Painter: Shibata Zeshin: Japanese Painter: Zha Shibiao: Chinese Painter: Zhan Jianjun: Chinese: Zhang Daqian: Chinese Painter: Zhang Dazhuang: Chinese: Zhang Hong: Chinese Painter: Zhang Huan: Chinese: Zhang Hui: Chinese: …
Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) ® ... The volumes may be arranged by last name, alphabetically by first initial, or by shape of a symbol. All of the following sources are available at the Research Library. If you are interested in using this material onsite, read about Access Policy and Reader Privileges.
We hope you have found all the information you need about List Of Artists By First Name through the links above.