Interested in Lobyn Hamilton Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Lobyn Hamilton Artist.
Lobyn Hamilton: Vinyl Record Artist. 1,000 likes · 1 talking about this. Vinyl Record Art by Lobyn Hamilton Vinyl freaked out to make the funkiest pieces you've ever seen available for your collectionFollowers: 1K
Lobyn Hamilton: Vinyl Record Artist. August 18 at 7:29 AM ·. Man, sometimes it just all falls into place. I love this shit!!!!! 1010.Followers: 1K
Lobyn Hamilton has been collecting records for use in art and music for more than seven years, so as he approached the process of renewal he realized it was time to switch things up.
Artists ; Lobyn Hamilton Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Print. Lobyn Hamilton. Visual Arts: Mixed Media . Comment Email / Website / 317-488-9757. ADD IT. Click to bookmark this listing. More Info. About My Work: I love vinyl records and have always been on the look out for vinyl record art. Vinyl touches so many people. My work is about those ...
Visit Studio Museum 127 429 West 127th St New York, NY 10027 Temporarily closed . Mailing Address 144 West 125th Street New York, New York 10027
Artists . Bram Reijnders (9) Catherine Lejeune (3) Charlie Anderson (17) Claude Charlier (3) Emilio Ramos (2) F&G (25) Fary "Junkyard" Charles (3) Geert Kollau (3) Julie Mimran (5) Lobyn Hamilton (3) Mauricio Buitrago (2) Nathalie Laudon (4) Paco Raphael (5) Rakel Wajnberg (6) Salvatore Masciullo (44) Sandrine Hayat (18) Skott Marsi (2)
Feb 02, 2011 · Before Lobyn became a vinyl record artist, he was actively spinning; freelance deejaying was his primary creative activity outside his day job (he currently works in an accounts-payable position at a residential center).
Which brings us to Walter Lobyn Hamilton’s new solo exhibition Narrative Not Included at Long-Sharp, on view through March. Hamilton’s work definitely pops, to use the oft-used expression of many a graphic designer, off the canvas. This self-described “vinyl record artist” has made a well-deserved reputation for his mosaics, of sorts.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Lobyn Hamilton Artist through the links above.